Ride? Hell ya I can ride, I was riding when I fell off!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Trail Ride #3

If you can count to 3, (which if you are following my blog I may have my doubts, lol) you will notice I skipped Trail Ride #2.  "Nattyator" - as he named himself for my blog - is still a friend.  Unfortunately I have no funny stories to tell on him.  Which may have something to do with why we are no longer 'we' :)  I can say our ride started with him sending me a friend request on facebook that pretty much said... 'Ralph told me to look you up so here I am'.  Yes, the effort was there from the beginning, lmao!

So, on to Trail Ride #3...
This will be brief, as was our encounter.  We met and started conversation via phone.  The conversations were great.  One night we spent over 6 hours on the phone.  We talked so long, I had to go outside and plug my phone in to keep talking.  We learned more about each other than I knew about either of my husbands (hmmm).  I did meet him once in person.  He came down and took me out to eat and we watched a movie.  We continued to talk for about a week.  One Tuesday night we were talking.  He said he had to go but would call me back in about an hour.  This was the last I ever heard from him.  Now you may think something horrible happened to him, as did I.  But I soon gave up my attempts to track him down in every obituary, hospital and police station between here and Kansas City.  A few months passed and I couldn't help but wonder how his uncle was.  His uncle had been taking chemo treatments so I had continued to pray for his health on a daily basis.  So, I shot a text message to TR3, not expecting a response.  Not a minute later he replied saying his uncle was doing much better... HOLY SHIT... he's ALIVE lol.  After a brief chit-chat my blood started to boil and I plainly asked him WTH happened to him.  His reply was he just didn't feel a connection between the two of us.  Fair enough I say.  Followed by a tactful response of letting him know a polite "no thanks" or even a "get bent" would have been better than the chicken shit move he pulled.  My peace was said and all was right with the world again!

"You know that little white speck on top of chicken shit, well that little white speck is chicken shit too"


Teresa said...

Was I a part of this trail ride? Except I had my own horse.

Kelly Stephens Powell said...

No, that was #4... and your 'horse' was a bar stool, lol!