Ride? Hell ya I can ride, I was riding when I fell off!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I start with this story because it brings us to my current location, Fredonia, Kans.  After "Stimpy" got arrested for domestic violence, I packed over-night bags for myself and the kids and shagged ass to my folks' house.  After a few months, papers were still in process and I realized Stimpy was hanging on for dear life and dragging his size 13 shoes as hard as he could.  So, the bargaining began for me to acquire my things from "his" house.  I found myself in very little control of the situation.  Which, for a girl like me, is about as hard to swallow as a fresh turd that just fell in the barn.  Finally the demand was made... At 5pm on a Friday night I received a text message from Stimpy stating I could get my things between the hours of 8am and 11:30am the NEXT DAY!  You have got to be shitting me?  But, I had a date and a time so it was game on.  Now, I do have to give him credit.  It was good thinking on his part to give me short notice.  Shorter the notice, shorter the time allowed, less I will be able to get... right?  This man, for his entire being of knowing me, understimated every single thing I could accomplish.  THIS was no exception :)  A mass text message went out and at 8am Saturday morning the convoy arrived... 3 stock trailers, a two-horse trailer, a flatbed trailer, a suburban, 6 trucks, 2 cars and 20 friends!  The ENTIRE house was packed, loaded and pulling out at 11am... we had 30 minutes to spare, lmao.  Needless to say, many words were sent to me later from Stimpy... but I had a BIG grin on my face the whole time.

NEVER underestimate the power of a cowgirl and the kick-ass friends she keeps with her!

Part of the Convoy

Part of the Crew
My new neighbors walked over to introduce themselves, beer in hand, and I knew I was home!


Lil Mrs Attitude! said...

Never under estimate a southeast Kansas cowgirl! They have more friends than a pack of coyotes and twice as mean when provoked. LOL

Unknown said...

Kell Bell you have always been an inspiration and a voice to be recond with! (yes I know i probably spelled that wrong :)) You have more friends and tricks up your sleeve than a bottle of jack and a cowboy in the shower could ever plan for! Try to under estimate you...just plan for disappointment.

Kelly Stephens Powell said...

Oh poor Tank, if only I could remeber that night, him in all his glory as I yanked open the shower curtain... nothin' but a cowboy hat!

Kasey said...

That was one hell of a day! I had never moved so much in such a short time! We Rocked