Ride? Hell ya I can ride, I was riding when I fell off!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Oh yes, yes I did!  The secret club everyone is in but is too embarrassed to admit it!  Through match I did find Trail Ride #4.  He will receive his own full blog - he earned it!!  But, in the process of match.com this is what I found... an old high school buddy, a player from the Hebb Rodeo's, a really great guy - in NORTH DAKOTA, a 68 year old man with full-body tattoos, a repeat of TR3 and the husband to a friend of mine... yes EVERYONE is on match.com!

He looked absolutely nothing like this, lmao

Two things that may top my match.com experience:  the convenience store guy and the facebook instant messenger...  Convenience man's smooth move was to inappropriately come up behind me, as I was getting my soda, and slip a note in my back pocket with his name and number written on it.  Really?  And if you are wondering... NO, I did not call him, lol!  Mr facebook requested to be my friend.  I naively thought I recognized him from back in the days of the Hebb Rodeo's and added him.  A few nights later I get an instant message from him.  It says no more than, "ur hot as hell".  If I would of been drinking, this would have been the point where I spit whatever it was all over my computer screen.  I was in complete shock.  So my brilliant response was, "um thanks."  Now I don't know about all the other ladies out there, but that is NOT the pick-up line to make this cowgirl swoon.

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